The Boy with the Vivid Dreams

In a sleepy town, in a house not quite in the 

messy and loud Paltan,

but also not in the serene Mussoorie,

somewhere in between the balancing

cacophony and tranquility,

was where he lived

he was 7

when he knew he had a story to tell

even if it was through the lively

pumpkin-headed comics

or the childlike superhero tales

a child waiting to write his chapter

and reaching to touch his dreams

he was 18

when he went solo from home

ready for an adventure 

to change his life for the better

college was the road for now perhaps

but still, the same decade-old dream

was in his

mind and heart

yearning to be achieved

he was 22

fresh out of college,

still the spirit of an energetic teen.

He didn't know the challenges he would face,

but that's what he was preparing for to this day.

so he moved head-on with more family and friends this time,

walking down the path laid by his

faith, determination, and after all 

his ambitions and dreams

he was 23

now more experienced,

he held life's hand confidentially.

he'd learned a lot more,

and improved a lot too.

he had evolved and grown 

from a hopeful starry-eyed child

 to a mature but still hopeful man.

he was 27

when his solo dream changed for the better just like him

they worked to accommodate a new resident

a woman with fascinating dreams of her own was

here and she was here to stay

he was 30

when he was pacing in a hospital room

in October when his life took an expected

but sort of an unexpected twist

when he held a fragile life in his hands

bundled up breathing in the blood they shared

he was 35

when he was left spellbound once more

the family stretched its bubble to fit in one more

he saw the little fingers and the chubby cheeks

and shed his tears of happiness once again

he is 50

and driving his daughters to school and college everyday

he hopes for them to live the same adventure he has lived through

the adventure led by his dreams

that he grew up with

His dreams?

well just like his life so far

they changed.

they only become bigger and better

as he climbs

one step forward another dream achieved

perhaps his dreams had changed

they do that sometimes too!

but they're like the ropes that pull you through

even above the sky

Whether its burning yellow or rainy blue.

~Ananya Singhal


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