The Unspoken Pain

 No one told me it hurt this much

No one warned me or told me to be aware

No one wrote any books or sung any song for this

For the moment when someone you knew inside and out,

stood in front of you 

Tongue-tied and gaze averted

Fist clenched and heart guarded

It hurts a bit but then you tell yourself that you'll be okay 

You start getting up and going through your life day by day 

Just the moment you think it's alright now 

you see the same person your heart missed 

And you can't hold it in anymore

There in front of you was a person who you poured your heart too

The person who kept you awake crying at night

The person who hugged you to their chest and whispered

" You know I love you, right? "

But now they're just standing there 

Maybe feeling the same your feeling too

Maybe just maybe

They feel they're eyes well up too

After all they never knew this pain before 

They just said to themselves

" I'll survive, somehow I always do "

It's not about who's fault it is 

Nor about what any of you did 

It’s the loss of a friend that makes you realize

That time won't heal this wound

Nothing would

You only learn to live again

And love anew.

The loss of a friend or the loss of a life you knew 

A loss is a loss and nothing is more true.

~ Ananya Singhal

23| 10 | 2021


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