" Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity. "

One of my Favorite Poets, William Wordsworth said this.

 I wouldn't consider myself an expert at writing poems but I will say that one of the most exhilarating experiences is piecing together a poem. I like to see it differently from time to time. At one point I think of creating or writing a poem the same as shaping clay into your desired structure or even piecing together a puzzle, 

but on the other side, it seems as if it's all about spilling your emotions onto a piece of art and carefully using each and every word as a medium to express what your feeling.

I've had a lot of people tell me after reading my poems that they find them a bit sad or depressing, but what can I say? Everyone has their own way of showing their emotions right? 

and coincidentally some of my best poetries according to me have come together when I am most emotional or vulnerable. They act as walls sometimes to hide something I don't want to see, but they also act as a memory to remind me of something I might never want to forget.

Of course, Poetry has acted as a personal therapist for me! but it has also taught me so much. Like for instance, I learned the value of words. 

Not every word you write in a story or a poem should be some fancy, uncommon, difficult to pronounce word found in the depths of a heavy dictionary!  

Even some of the best poems and stories use the simplest words and bring out the truest and deepest form of expression and leave the longest impact. 

Every singe word represents every single emotion and thats what makes a beautiful piece of art!


  1. Congratulations on your first blog. You have disected the process of creating Poetry or piece of Art ,per se, beautifully. I liked the part that says it works as therapist. it surely does as its the best vent.

  2. Amazing!!!U have truly analysed the value of words in ones life


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